First off, if you are checking here on the contest, I won’t be picking a winner until this weekend because Book 2 revisions are due Friday. THIS FRIDAY. These are not the final revisions. There’s more. Much more. I’m still making sure I pull all the threads I left dangling in book 1, and leave open the things I need to happen in book 3. It’s been tough, but fun because hubby asked me just the right question about one of my characters last week and now I have Direction. Kind of different direction than I was going, but it’s been fun playing with the new idea.
I’m keeping my head down until I turn these in. but I did want to post these pics from my fabulous event at The King’s English Bookshop in SLC last week. I was nervous about this signing because this was the bookstore I used to go visit when I was teaching elementary school. I would sit in the children’s room and thumb through books and just kind of breathe in the words. But the employees made me feel right at home, and i had a great turnout thanks to my family and friends and friends of family and friends getting the word out for me.
Isn’t this just the cutest store you’ve ever seen?
The audience (and I love that you can see Becca Fitzpatrick’s HUSH, HUSH right by the girl’s tiara. You were there in spirit, Bec!)
Reading from The Pinkness. What an awesome background, huh? They also had a cute table of tiaras and books to the side. Loved.
Each room in the store has a different genre of books. Bookcases everywhere. Are you drooling? I think I signed in the mystery room. I felt very mysterious, at least.
This is Abby. She bought my book the day it came out, read it, and wrote an essay telling me why she would make a good princess. Her words were so charming, I’m posting her essay (with her permission) on my website. I think I should add a Princess Abby to a future book. And yes, she also wore pink for the event.
Utah has a wonderful community of kind, funny, supportive writers. Pictured here: Blogger Catie S, Brodi Ashton, Valynne Maetani, Emily Wing Smith, and Sarah Deford Williams (her book, PALACE BEAUTIFUL, comes out next week!). Elana Johnson, Suzette Saxton, Bree Despain, Matthew Kirby, and Sara Zarr also came (and I managed to snag some Dark Divine nail polish from Bree. My toes are currently supporting her awesome book). I wish I could have spent more time with them all, as they are a riot of a group. There is talk of a Barry Manilow concert, though, so the future is bright.
This is why we love the indies. My mom was on baby duty, but had to run to the car to get more books/tiaras/bookmarks (yeah, I brought my mom. And my kids. And my brother and sister and opa and uncle and…). Allison, friendly bookseller that she is, offered to hold the babes. I was a little confused when I looked up from signing and saw this, but also very happy. It’s just that cool of a store with THAT cool of people.
Speaking of the baby, I won’t be bringing her on tour after all. I logistically couldn’t make it happen, but am very lucky that my mother-in-law is coming out to help. If you want to come and bring YOUR baby, I will gladly hold him/her for you, as one week without my girls is going to be interesting. At least I get to kick off the week with Rachel Hawkins, brilliant author of HEX HALL and all-around hilarious Alabama writing beffie in Huntsville on April 5. We shall wear pink and black and bumpits and manic smiles of glee and YOU SHOULD TOO.
To see if I’ll be in your town, check here.
Now to take advantage of those three midnight-hour diet pepsis coursing through me. WRITE ON