So on the internet, and on the bookshelf, 2015 has been a quiet year.
But in Word Document Land (and Google Doc land), I’ve been a busy beaver. Bee. Person.
I have 4 books releasing in 2016! (And at least 2 more in 2017. More on that soon!)
Here are the covers for two of those books.
THE PAGES BETWEEN US, co-written with Robin Mellom, releases February 9, 2016. Behold!

And the first book in the Commander in Cheese series, THE BIG MOVE releases in Summer 2016! (The second book, OVAL OFFICE ESCAPE, releases the same day. One day! Two books! Lots of cheese!

Sometime soonish I’ll update blog/site with more info on these super fun books. But for now, I need to finish the third commander in cheese book, out in… Fall 2016? I think?