I have a fever, and the only cure is more… Harry!

July 21, 2007


Yep, I kept a three-year-old up until 11:30 last night. But it’s alright, I used a time-turner afterwards and got her down by 8:00. And, just because there isn’t ENOUGH Harry madness on the net, here are the pics from our HP Party at our uber fabulous local library.


gearing up for the par-tay!                    Official Hogwarts School Picture                 Getting some ink-
(Mommy, who am I again?)                                                                                      we opted for matching “birdies” aka falcons

Gaining Admittance: When asked for password,     
Hermione replied: “I want candy”. Presto! We’re in.                    Quick Interview with Rita Skeeter. Hermione’s look     
                                                                                                              expresses her keen skeptism for Rita’s journalistic style 

                                                                                                                   What do you see in the ball, my dear? “Light. And candy.”
Concocting some Felix Felicis with Moaning Myrtle. Hermione
was a little put off when Myrtle asked her to come visit 
poor Myrtle in the bathroom sometime. Hermione answered, 
“We don’t use potty talk.”

 Kicking it with “Santa Claus in blue” aka Dumbledore, who       Hermione relaxing in the Gryffindor Common Room
 declined Hermione’s offer to sit on his lap.                                        & devouring our loot from Hogsmeade

Now to sit by the door and wait for my copy to arrive in the mail. Happy reading everyone!